Colorado State University’s winter break is just around the corner. Winter break officially begins on Saturday, December 14th, 2024 and runs through Sunday, January 19th, 2025. Please review the following information regarding parking, biking, transit, and airport travel.
Winter Break Transportation Info
Paid parking is required on campus during winter break. Please note, overnight parking is not permitted in commuter lots, however Lot 740 is available for vehicle storage. If you do not currently have a permit and need to park on campus during break, please contact our office to explore permit options.
Students travelling for the break while leaving Q, W, X, XR, Y or UR permitted vehicles on campus should consider parking their vehicles in residence hall parking areas on the north side of campus. This includes the following lots:
- Lot 115, Westfall
- Lot 180, Plum St
- Lot 145, Parmelee
- Lot 165, Green Hall
- Lot 170, Allison
Due to the home basketball games scheduled during the break, we ask that OA permit holders for lot 195 (Moby Arena) who intend to leave their vehicles on campus while they are out of town relocate to lot 115, Westfall.
Consolidating parking during long breaks assists PTS in managing parking inventory and allows CSU PD to make adjustments to assist with ensuring security on campus.
Vehicles can be returned to their permitted lots as students return to campus, but all vehicles must be returned to their permitted lots before enforcement begins on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Students with R or IR permits can leave their vehicles in their normal designated parking areas.
Bikes that appear to be left behind for break are a prime target for bike theft. Please be sure to bring your bike into your room before you leave to ensure it is secure. The Spoke also provides bike storage over break and you can even have them do a tune up while it is stored!
Some Transfort bus service is reduced over winter break. Visit Transfort’s schedule page for the most up-to-date route information. Select your route to view the current schedule or see upcoming changes on the Schedule Exceptions tab.
Need a ride to the airport? Both Groome and Landline shuttles pick up on the CSU campus on Plum outside the CSU Transit Center. You may also take Bustang from the Downtown Transit Center to Denver Union Station, then transfer to the A Line to DIA. Explore your options at PTS’ Airport page.