Parking and Transportation Services completed the Transportation Demand Management Master Plan update in September 2023. This document will serve as the framework for the evolution of transportation on campus in the next 10 years and has been submitted to the Master Plan Committee to be considered in the 2024 CSU Master Plan update. This builds on the 2014 Parking and Transportation Master Plan, which determined parking supply ratios and prioritized certain parking and mobility goals for the university. The new plan features mode-specific targets to help CSU achieve its institutional goal of carbon neutrality as detailed in the Climate Action Plan.

Recommendations made by the plan focus on improving convenience, quality, and equity in the university transportation network. Goals set forth by the plan include investing in safe and reliable infrastructure, addressing transit frequency and reliability, and optimizing peak parking lot utilization. Additionally, the plan provides a framework to help CSU achieve a more balanced transportation mode split that will help the university meet climate action goals, improve safety, and ensure the campus is accessible.

Goals for transportation mode split outlined in the TDMP


The phases outlined below are a recap of the development of the 2023 TDM Master Plan.

In August of 2022, CSU contracted with the Kimley-Horn consulting firm to begin the development of the Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDMP) update and began with an analysis of existing data. This analysis coupled with with the stakeholder input received in the following phases will inform the final recommendations.

Front page of document with photo of bus driving on a street. Text below says Transportation Demand Management Master Plan 2023.

TDM Master Plan Final Draft

We are excited to share the TDM Plan Executive Summary Final Draft and TDM Master Plan Full Report Final Draft.

What is Transportation Demand Management?

The Federal Highway Administration defines Transportation Demand Management as a set of strategies aimed at maximizing traveler choices. At CSU, we use Transportation Demand Management to to ensure safe, equitable access to campus for all modes of travel.

  • Distributed electronic survey to CSU community
  • Engaged in-person at key locations on campus
  • Conducted six focus groups
  • Solicited public comment on draft of the plan
  • Presented final plan to Master Plan Committee for consideration (October 2023)
  • Announced final draft (November 2023)